Tuesday, January 16, 2007

You Gotta Be Kidding

Boy wonder. Read my post below because it explains why your damn team is so infuriating to watch. I could've taken a nap and not missed anything after the first period.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha...it's nice to know someone cares. I must've struck a nerve. Good.

It takes an awful lot for a fan of a particular team to admit that sometimes, their style isn't the most entertaining to watch. Last night's game was an example of that for the reasons I supplied already in a previous entry.

If you want to wear rose colored shades and drink all the Kool Aid that Lou serves, go right ahead. But there's a reason why they don't do as well as they could. If you believe it's going to be different next year, I think you might be in for a rude awakening.

I am buddies with a Devil fan who resides out West and just started a blog the other day on them. And he wrote a very well thought out entry about some of the things they haven't done well as an organization. I think you can figure out what they are.

Finally, to your remark on Orr, that's classic considering your team employs Cam Janssen. Is it any coincidence that the Devils are playing better hockey without him? I don't think so.

Thank you for your feedback. Looks like I am not the one who needs a Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhmbulance.


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